
The LIAF is the identity federation consisting of education and research entities (including and not limited to institutions of higher learning, research institutes, colleges, and partner organizations) in Sri Lanka, who are users of academic e-resources, and organizations and companies (including and not limited to publishers, cloud service providers, public service departments, and other partners) who are providers of such e-resources.

By mutually trusting rules/policy stipulated by the LIAF Federation, organizations will be able to utilize federated access among each other. Once the federated authentication is implemented, Web Single Sign-On (the mechanism where a single ID and password permit a user to access all systems on the web) will be enabled; thus create an environment where a user can access other institutional and commercial services using a single password and without the need to re-enter the ID or password for as long as the session allows it.

Lanka Education and Research Network, introduces "LIAF" to its community as a single point getting their applications and systems authenticated. LIAF will use Shibboleth based SAML2.0 system to keep Single-Sign-On work through out the domain.

The LIAF allows users to have access to services offered by multiple Service Providers using only one account. LIAF also facilitates online collaboration in the cloud, both between users within the same institution as between users from different institutions.

If you connect your institution to the LIAF:

  • Users can access all services with a single login account.
  • You don't have to implement and maintain a custom made connection to each service or Service Provider separately.
  • You can regulate authorization for entire groups of students and employees easily.
  • You can integrate your internal authorization resources with LIAF.
  • Easy integration of services thanks to open standards.
  • Enhance user privacy.


Joining as an Identity Provider

To join LIAF as an Identity Provider, your organization needs to be part of Lanka Education and Research Network. All LEARN connected applicant Universities / Institutes may sign the policy agreement by the head of the institution and submit membership form on Support email address or by post. The federation may request additional information with regard to participating institution.

Joining as a Service Provider

The Service provider can be a SAML SSO-enabled web resource such as e-learning platforms, web shops, e-journal databases, etc. which make use of federated authentication and do authorize access to their applications based on the information they got from the Identity Provider of the users home organization. LIAF accepts applications from LEARN members and any other higher education, research, content providers that supports SAML SSO. Based on the LIAF Policy and Data Protection Profile, LEARN management will decide the eligibility of the applicant.

Procedure in Joining

  • Applicant must agree to terms and conditions/Registration Policy of the federation and they needs to send the scanned signed documents to noclearn.ac.lk along will the following provider applications.
    1. Application as an Identity Provider
    2. Application as a Service Provider
  • Once your request has been approved, you will be asked to submit the SAML metadata for the Federation Registry database. Metadata Registration Practice Statement can be found from here
  • Credentials to the Federation Registry for entry maintanence will be sent to the registrant support contact via email.
The LIAF has all the rights in deciding the appectance or denial of the provider and LIAF descision will be the final.


Identity Providers

Institute Joined Date Contact Details
Industrial Technology Institute - Sri Lanka 2018-11-06 Manoj Dilshan
: dilshaniti.lk
Faculty of Technology, University of Ruhuna 2018-12-20 U.E.Kumanayake
: uthpalatec.ruh.ac.lk
University of Colombo School of Computing 2019-06-07 Nirosha Rathnayake
: niroshaucsc.cmb.ac.lk
University of the Visual and Performing Arts 2019-06-12 Ruwani
: ruwanivpa.ac.lk
University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka 2019-06-12 W.M.I.B.Wijekoon
: ishanwugc.ac.lk
University of Kelaniya - Sri Lanka 2019-06-13 Sandun Fernando
: sandunkln.ac.lk
University of Moratuwa 2019-06-14 Nadeesha Ranaweera
: nadeesharuom.lk
IDP for LEARN Staff 2018-10-16 Deepthi Gunasekara
: deepthilearn.ac.lk
Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna 2019-06-21 Thilina Kalpage
: thilinaeng.ruh.ac.lk
Uwa Wellassa University 2019-07-04 Indika Weerasundara
: indikawuwu.ac.lk
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna 2019-07-10 Dinika Darshana Jayasuriya
: ddarshanamed.ruh.ac.lk
University of Colombo 2019-08-08 Rusiru Galappaththi
: rusirunoc.cmb.ac.lk
University of Peradeniya 2019-08-17 Tharindu Perera
: tharinduceng.pdn.ac.lk
South Eastern University 2019-08-23 MMM Arshad
: arshadmmmseu.ac.lk
University of Ruhuna - Wallamadama Site 2019-08-28 Chandana Wimalarathne
: chandanadcs.ruh.ac.lk
University of Sri Jayawardenepura 2019-09-05 Madushan Deshanga
: deshangasjp.ac.lk
Arthur C Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies 2019-10-14 Saman Athuluwage
: samanaccmt.ac.lk
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna 2019-11-26 Prabath Priyankara
: prabathagricc.ruh.ac.lk
University of Jaffna 2019-12-03 P Kobikrishna
: pkobikrishnauniv.jfn.ac.lk
NERD Center 2019-12-04 Buddhi Wickramasooriya
: buddhinerdc.lk
The Open University of Sri Lanka 2020-02-07 Zaheer Hussain
: nmanagerou.ac.lk
Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture 2020-02-18 Wathsala Rangajeewa
: wathsalapgia.ac.lk
ATI - Ampara 2020-02-19 Arzath Areeff
: arzathareeffgmail.com
Sri Lanka - German Training Institute 2020-02-19 Achchuthan Yogarajah
: achchuthanslgti.com
Trincomalee Campus, EUSL 2020-02-19 Brinthapan Sandrasegaram
: brinthapansesn.ac.lk
Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies 2020-02-19 Lumeshkantha Koneshvaran
: networkmgr_sviassvias.esn.ac.lk
Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute 2020-02-19 Hasitha Gunasekara
: hasithakln.ac.lk
Institute of Indigenous Medicine - UoC 2020-02-20 Lahiru Chamara
: lahiruiim.cmb.ac.lk
Vavuniya Campus, University of Jaffna 2020-02-20 K.Pratheepan
: pratheepanvau.jfn.ac.lk
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka 2020-02-20 Sadeepa Perera
: sadeepaccs.sab.ac.lk
ATI - Jaffna 2020-02-20 M. Kohulan
: mkohulan02gmail.com
Eastern University of Sri Lanka 2020-02-20 Nagalingam Kuhan
: kuhanesn.ac.lk
Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education 2020-02-20 Priyantha Fernando
: priyanthasliate.ac.lk
ATI - Batticaloa 2020-02-20 Mohamed Nowfeek
: nowfeekmitgmail.com
Kotelawala Defence University 2020-02-20 Thilina Kandage
: thilinakakdu.ac.lk
Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 2020-02-20 Kanchana Senananyaka
: kanchanaibmbb.cmb.ac.lk
Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2020-02-20 Thilina Bandara
: thilinapgim.cmb.ac.lk
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka - Makandura Premises 2021-01-07 Damith Ekanayaka
: damithwyb.ac.lk
Sri Lanka Technological Campus 2020-03-13Manu Satharasinghe
: manussltc.ac.lk
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka 2020-03-30 Harshapriya Rajakaruna
: harshapriyargmail.com
Institute of Technology University of Moratuwa 2020-04-05 Dhanushka Bandara
: dhanushbitum.mrt.ac.lk
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka - Kuliyapitiya Premises 2020-04-13 Athula Bogoda
: athulabwyb.ac.lk
Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna 2020-04-23 Piriya Sivalingam
: piriyaeng.jfn.ac.lk
eduID - Sri Lanka 2020-05-23 Tuwan Jaleel
: tuwanlearn.ac.lk
University of Vocational Technology 2020-06-01 Indika Priyadarshana
: indikaunivotec.ac.lk
Postgraduate Institute of Science 2020-07-09 Asanka Amarasinghe
: asankapgis.lk
Institute of Chemistry Ceylon (ICHEMC) 2020-08-30 Hasantha Aberathne
: hasanthaichemc.edu.lk
Ministry of Higher Education - Sri Lanka 2021-02-19 Lalith Waduge
: d-ictmohe.gov.lk
University of Vavuniya 2021-09-04 Pratheepan K
: systemengineervau.ac.lk
Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka 2021-10-13 Saman Deshapriya
: systemadminbpu.ac.lk
National Institute of Education 2021-10-26 Sahan Chathura Perera
: sahannie.edu.lk
National Institute of Fundamental Studies 2021-12-17 S.S.K. Sakalasooriya
: sujeewa.sanifs.ac.lk
Ocean University 2022-08-26 Nisanga Nuwantha
: nisanganocu.ac.lk
Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences 2024-10-21 Sahan Senevirathne
: sahanvckpgihs.ac.lk
National Science Foundation 2024-12-22 Madhawa Perera
: madhawapnsf.gov.lk

Service Providers

Service Url Joined Date
LEARN Event Manager https://events.learn.ac.lk/ 2018-11-07
Zoom Video Conferencing https://learn.zoom.us/ 2019-05-14
LEARN eduVPN Service https://eduvpn.ac.lk/ 2019-10-08
Emerald Insight http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/ 2020-04-01
Elsevier http://www.elsevier.com/ 2020-08-18
LEARN vCR - Virtual Class Room http://vcr.learn.ac.lk/ 2023-10-02


Administrative and Technical Contact

Please contact LEARN Technical Assistance Center on taclearn.ac.lk for any administrative or technical problem or enquiry.

General Contact

Lanka Education and Research Network
Information Technology Center
University of Peradeniya
Peradeniya 20400
Sri Lanka
: +94 81 200 3030
: learnac.lk


The Metadata is an important part of the SAML Federation. In essence, it is a directory of registered, trusted and approved entities within the Federation, allowing only Identity Providers (IdP) and Service Providers (SP) found within the metadata to communicate with each other.

Metadata Registration Practice Statement can be found from here

Metadata Details

LIAF Metadata https://fr.ac.lk/signedmetadata/metadata.xml
LIAF to edugain Metadata https://fr.ac.lk/signedmetadata/LIAF_to_edugain.xml
Metadata Signer https://fr.ac.lk/signedmetadata/metadata-signer